Hairy-faced hornets & Bald-faced hornets
Hairy a lot. Sporty. This one has different markings than the next one. They both follow the basic hornet design with the flat place where the abdomen starts in contrast to the more rounded wasp.

This one has different markings than the one above.

This is the same as the first...

The other kind...back & forth, back &'s why they say "Hairy as a Hornet"

And then these guys. BaldFaced hornets, says google. They're pretty hairy. They take over whenever they're around. I think I have them in the grapefruit tree. I can't get near it to pick fruit or see where the nest is. When it's cold i'll attack.

They're bigger than everybody else, too

A lot of these could probably disappear a gopher carcass. Big ripping jaws.

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