Wasp from smaller populations, two kinds - or three...13 pictures for now
Here's another variety of garden wasp. It has a yellow beak & head, mostly. It has different eyes, different thorax markings & the arrow on its abdomen points the other way

Here they are side-by-side. Didn't seem like it was at the top of the pecking order: the batman-nosed birds pictured here were getting pushy. Coulda been worse, maybe. Maybe it's the pristine-wingers against the old tattered-wingers.

I think they're better floaters

It's what everybody wants to know

When their wings are too tattered to tote water, they're forceably retired to screen doors around the house & only allowed to breath water vapor coming out of the house from the swamp cooler.

This may be a different one entirely from all the others on this page. Close, though. I'm not sure..there may be more.

And these with the Long Waist didn't show up often enough & always sat alone at the bucket

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